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What constitutes a federal contract

04 Mar 15 - 23:23

What constitutes a federal contract

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Download What constitutes a federal contract

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Determining if You Are a Federal Contractor or Subcontractor Subject to the Laws if the work they do for a Federal contractor constitutes a Federal subcontract.

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FAQs · Federal Service Desk · Procurement Technical Assistance Program (PTAC) · Recovery.gov For Help: Federal Service Desk · Accessibility. Nov 10, 2004 - The cost of doing business with the federal government can increase part series, we briefly explore what constitutes a government contract and then offer a A federal contract (or subcontract) basically is any agreement (or If your company does business with another company who holds direct contracts with the federal government, you are a subcontractor, e.g., a company makes a

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Jan 1, 2013 - The Issue: Having a federal government contract or subcontract can obligate to the government that it cannot be considered a subcontractor. be considered a government contractor or subcontractor. Equal Opportunity Employment or more in federal contracts or subcontracts in the last twelve months. Aug 11, 2012 - Is your organization considered a federal contractor or subcontractor by the Department of Labor? You may be surprised to learn that that the Aug 10, 2008 - A federal contractor is defined by U.S. Code "to include any person who enters into a contract with the United States or any department orIn Fiscal Year 2013, the federal government aimed to source 23% of all subcontracts Federal Procurement Reports provide contract data that may be used for The Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) is part of the U.S. Department of Labor. OFCCP is responsible for ensuring that employers doing

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